If you want to set up a linked server with AS/400, first things first: You must make sure that your SQL Server has the OLE DB provider for DB2, you can get it for free with this link:
Other thing you are going to need is an account in the AS/400 box, this will make SQL Server act as a client for the AS/400, be sure to give only the strictly necessary rights to that account, avoid granting open wide privileges to service accounts, like the one you are creating in your AS/400 in this point.
Here is a brief explanation of each parameter
@server= This will be the "internal" name to identify your linked server from others you already have.
@datasrc= this is your AS/400 host name
@catalog= This is the database in AS/400 you want to connect to. If you don't know which database is available, either ask to the AS/400 administrator or use the WRKRDBDIRE command, tipically the entry that has a *LOCAL value in the remote location column, is the database to specify in this parameter... Be Extremely carefull when using this command you can screw up the AS/400 and I would not blame its administrator if he wants to kill you after! maybe I would kill him for leaving commands like this available to anyone, so hands off!.
Password= The AS/400 password for the account created for your linked server
User ID= The AS/400 user ID for the account created for your linked server
Initial Catalog= same as @catalog
Network Address= the Ip Address for your AS/400
Package Collection= This is a somewhat equivalent to a schema in SQL Server, you must specify the package where the tables you need are located. If you don't know which package collection specify, use the AS/400 command WRKOBJ and take note of the name in the Library column
I hope this can resolve your problems linking SQL with DB2!
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